Merkez Ofis Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt
2012 yılından beri TÜV Sertifikalı
Sağlık Turizm Acentası
Kuruluş, 2006 Rastatt, Almanya.
BT24 MEDİKAL TURİZM Seyahat Acentası Belge No: 7843
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2012 yılından beri TÜV Sertifikalı
Sağlık Turizm Acentası
Kuruluş, 2006 Rastatt, Almanya.
BT24 MEDİKAL TURİZM Seyahat Acentası Belge No: 7843
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Merkez Ofis Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Hair loss causes

Why men suffer from hair loss

The problem with men: Baldness. Hair loss affects many men. Not all, but a good 70 percent of men suffer sooner or later from their disappearing hair. It’s all in the genes.

Causes for hair loss

In general, it must be said that there are a multitude of causes for hair loss or even hair growth disorders. On the one hand, these can be quite banal things that can be easily remedied. E.g. nutritional errors or even wrong hair care, or wrong care of the scalp. These forms are, if one knows their causes, completely reversible – so here a hair transplant would be clearly exaggerated and also not very successful. On the other hand, excessive hair loss can also have much more complex causes. There are special diseases that can cause hair loss. The typical case, however, is, in men at least, when the hair roots are hormone sensitive.

Hereditary hair loss

Typical of the so-called predisposed hair loss is the hair on the forehead and vertex which is becoming increasingly thinner. In principle, women can also carry the disposition for hereditary hair loss. However, the effects differ considerably from those of men. The reason: the male sex hormone testosterone. In this form of hair loss, the hair roots react sensitively to the breakdown products of the male sex hormones. These decomposition products damage the hair growth in hormone-sensitive hair roots. New scientific findings even assume that stress-related hair loss is not a form in its own right, but also has hormonal causes. According to this, the breakdown products of the stress hormones act in exactly the same way as those of the male sex hormones. The stress-related hair loss does not usually remain permanently. Hair growth regenerates as soon as the stressful phases are over or medical treatment is sought.

If men don’t want to go bald, the only solution is a hair transplant

Contrary to the stress-related hair growth disorders, men who go bald can only maintain their natural, full hair by means of a hair transplant. Although hair loss can be slowed down somewhat by taking a certain enzyme from the specialist. However, in the long term the hair on the head will become less and less. Since health insurance companies do not cover the costs of hair transplants, more and more people are having their hair transplants done in Turkey. Hair transplants there cost much less than in Germany, Switzerland or Austria, for example. This is because the cost of living in Turkey is much lower and therefore the services are cheaper. But scientifically and technically, Istanbul has the greatest expertise in hair transplants.

Diffuse hair loss

Do you lose more hair distributed over the entire head? Then your doctor speaks of diffuse hair loss. This is a relatively even hair loss over the entire surface of the scalp. In this form, the hair bulb is still completely intact. However, the supply of nutrients from the blood is not sufficient. This shortens the life span of the hair and the hair falls out more. There is often a deficiency of amino acids, B vitamins or trace elements. However, this can usually be compensated with food supplements.

Circular hair loss

If you discover individual bald spots on the scalp, which differ in size and are clearly separated from each other, then you should definitely see a doctor. Circular hair loss is an inflammatory form. However, the causes are not yet sufficiently known. It should be reassuring to know that this hair loss usually recovers, as long as you undergo medical treatment.

Medical diagnosis for hair loss

Finally, we would like to point out If you think you are losing too much hair, i.e. permanently more than 100 hairs per day, it is best to have this checked by a doctor. This is no big deal. In the first step, blood is taken and examined to see if there are any missing nutrients or other substances in the blood that disturb hair growth or indicate diseases that explain the hair loss. If the blood analysis does not provide a diagnosis, the hair specialist will perform a trichoscan. With this computer analysis, the scalp can be precisely analysed. This gives you certainty and, if necessary, you can initiate the best possible therapy.